Stones and Their Meanings

No matter where you are in life, there is a good chance that there is at least one aspect that you wish to improve, whether it be your love life, the amount of energy you have each day, or even your wisdom. With that in mind, there are certain elements that can help you find the strength you need to make those changes, especially when paired with self-care and meditation.

At Home of Chiji, our goal is to aid you in your journey of self-care. We offer a wide selection of products to help you relax and find rejuvenation, from super soft plush blankets to calming stone rollers. Browse our products to find your new favorite self-care essentials, and continue reading below to learn about the energy cleansing powers of our stone rollers.

Stones and Their Meanings

Stone face rollers are gaining popularity, and for good reason! Not only do these unique products feel amazing on your skin, but they also offer benefits such as diminishing puffiness, preventing wrinkles, and more! At Home of Chiji, we offer seven different face rollers featuring different stones. Each stone has a different meaning and can help you in a different aspect of your life. Below, we will give you a guide to the different stones we feature and their meanings so that you can pick the one that will best aid you in your journey.


Jade is the most popular type of stone roller on the market. This gorgeous green stone is a symbol of purity and abundance, channeling the miracle of light and its ability to give life to plants. Using this jade stone roller in your daily self-care routine can help align your thoughts and give you a clear mind for the day ahead.


The first thing you will notice about the amethyst crystal is the deep purple color. Many noblemen and women held amethyst in high regard and used this gorgeous crystal in their jewelry and crowns. Today, amethyst is a symbol of wisdom and can help you find inner strength, peace, and growth. Additionally, amethyst is said to help aid in anxiety and depression by removing the negative energy from within.

Clear Quartz

If you are looking for more energy and clarity in your life, then the clear quartz crystal is for you. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that clear quartz was a form of ice that never melted due to its clear and transparent color. Clear quartz is also seen by many as the “master healer,” as it has the ability to align all of your chakras. Using the clear quartz stone roller on your face can help give you peace of mind while the quartz absorbs all of your worries and doubts.

Rose Quartz

When you look at the lovely pink hue of rose quartz, it’s no wonder this crystal is known for its powers of the heart. This stone has been used in love rituals for centuries, and is often seen as the stone for hopeless romantics. When you use this gorgeous crystal, it can help you not only find the love you want in your life, but it can also give you the strength you need to give out the love you have in your heart. Rose quartz can remove the self-doubt you have within and unearth the confidence you had all along.


Communication comes in many forms, and many people find it difficult to express their inner truth. Sodalite is a beautiful blue crystal with marble-like quality, and its primary function is to aid with communication, especially in instances where self-expression is most difficult. Those who utilize self-expression on a regular basis such as writers, painters, or sculptors are known to carry sodalite crystals with them to help them find inspiration and express their inner thoughts and emotions.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a crystal of power. Whether you’re looking for the power in your career or your personal life, this amazing crystal can help you get where you need to go. The shimmery golden hue has a wonderful effect on anyone who wishes to utilize the power they have within. In addition to power, this stone can give you the motivation to keep moving forward, leading to success in your career.


The beautiful mix of colors in the opalite crystal are sure to catch your eyes. The soft and precious crystal is known for its peaceful powers and the ability to help you express yourself more deeply. When used, the opalite crystal can help to remove energy blockages that may be standing in your way. Once the blockages are removed, you can have an easier time expressing your hidden feelings.

Discover Healing Crystals and More at Home of Chiji!

At Home of Chiji, we offer a wide selection of products that you can utilize in your self-care routine. Find warmth and safety with our super soft blankets, or unleash your hidden feelings with one of our seven stone rollers. Browse our selection of stone rollers featuring the stones we discussed above, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or you would like to learn more.